Have you ever wanted to have more of a say on national ICT policy?
With federal parliament resuming this week, the Australian Computer Society is seeking your views on key ICT issues, based on your own professional experience.
Aside from the individual benefits you receive by being a member of the ACS – regular networking events, 28,000 digital learning assets, limited liability insurance coverage, and the Ambassador card, to name a few – there are also collective benefits.
One of these is the opportunity to contribute with your fellow members to influence public policy that affects ICT professionals around the country.
As you know, each year there is a membership consultation with the membership on policy issues.
Last year, this resulted in our 2016 Federal Election Manifesto.
While the 2017 member consultation will be conducted later this year, the ACS has created an avenue for you to submit your views now on federal government ICT policy to strengthen our sector.
You are welcome to send your ideas and suggestions to policy@acs.org.au.
Policy submissions sent in by ACS members are considered by the National Public Policy Reference Group (NPPRG), made up of the ACS President Anthony Wong, executive members Jo Dalvean and Craig Horne, and ACS CEO Andrew Johnson.