We recognise Information Age readers have a wealth of knowledge on a wide variety of technology and business topics.

Our readers, as well as business heads, are welcome to submit articles to be considered for publication in Information Age.

Opinion pieces establish writers as leaders in our industry and as such, we are selective as to what we publish.

Please find our guidelines below:

1. Writers of opinion articles are generally topic experts

Are you a known expert in the field you are writing about? When writing authoritatively about a topic, our readers want to know if you are qualified to be sharing your opinion. Let us know how you qualify. Being published in one of Australia’s longest-established technology titles means you are a leader in your field.

2. Make a point

Opinion articles need to make a point relevant to the wide readership of Information Age. Are you merely rambling or making an authoritative point? This is not the place for your random thoughts. Your first paragraph should set the tone for your article and give the reader an idea of what’s to come. If you’re not sure if your article is relevant to our audience, email and ask us: ia@acs.org.au

3. Be informative

Our readers need to see the value in reading your article. Have you shared some useful information? Have you given readers something to think about? Give them authoritative information in an easily accessible format. Be prepared to back up your sources, if you have referred to any.

4. Ditch the sales pitch

Writing an article about a certain topic, then outlining how your company’s product or service can assist readers achieve a good outcome, is a no-no. IA is not the place to be promoting your business or product. You should not reference your company’s name or products in the article.

5. Your bio

All articles include a one-to-two sentence biography of the author at the end of the article. This is the place for you to establish your credentials and list your current work position. For example, Bob Smith is the Director of Recruiting at Company XYZ. He has more than 12 years of experience placing executives in senior roles.

6. Include a headline

Always submit an opinion article with a suggested headline. We may not use it, but it will provide us with an immediate idea of what the article is about and set the tone for what’s ahead.

7. Exclusivity

Your opinion article is more likely to be viewed favourably by the editor if it has not been previously published in any other publication or platform.

8. Write tightly

We appreciate that as an area expert, you may have lots to say. But to make the article a readable length, please aim for a minimum of 600 words and a maximum of 850 words.

Other points to keep in mind:

  • You are not required to supply any images for your article, unless you have specifically referenced a graph or picture
  • Information Age does not pay for opinion pieces
  • Any conflicts of interest must be declared
  • Please do not send opinion pieces to the managing editor demanding your article be published
  • Publication is at the discretion of the Information Age managing editor.

Preferred formatting

Please submit your document in Calibri 11pt font, no spacing between paragraphs, lines spaced at 1.5. Do not use different-sized headings. Only bold and italics should be used, if necessary. For longer pieces, consider breaking the article up using section headings.

How to submit your article or idea

Email the managing editor at ia@acs.org.au. You should hear from us within one week, but if you have not, please feel free to follow up.

About us

Information Age is one of Australia’s longest-running tech publications. It has been on the technology landscape for more than 30 years, having started life as Professional Computing, morphing into Informatics, then Information Age in 1995. As at June 2024, Information Age had 165,000+ subscribers around the world.