Steven Marshall has been sworn in as the new Premier of South Australia, bringing with him a new government and new policies set to impact the tech industry.

Leading up to the election, the Marshall Liberal government stated plans for a number of key initiatives set to change the South Australian landscape.

The development of jobs in knowledge intensive industries has been outlined as a focus for the new government.

This will take shape in the form of extending post-graduate research opportunities, with funding grants of up to $50,000 to be made available for individuals undertaking post-graduate studies who can demonstrate how their research will lead to substantially improved solutions and innovations.

There are also plans in place to transform Adelaide into the "start-up capital of Australia."

Earlier this month, Member for Mitchell, Corey Wingard, announced that if elected, the Liberal government would develop an 'Innovation, Incubator and Start-up Hub' to be built on the old Royal Adelaide Hospital site, as well as abolish payroll tax for small businesses.

“We want Adelaide to become the business start-up capital of Australia and we have a plan to keep our best and brightest from leaving South Australia and attract more interstate and overseas businesses to set up in Adelaide,” he said.

“By lowering costs and supporting entrepreneurs and start-ups in South Australia we will aim to have the highest rate of start-ups in the country within a decade.”

The new hub on the old Royal Adelaide Hospital site will receive a $27.5 million investment from the newly-elected government.

Applications for those wishing to invest in advanced manufacturing and defence technology will be prioritised.

Visa plans

To ensure the new start-up hub has the workforce to support it, the new state Liberal government has worked with the Federal government to secure the pilot of a new visa program.

“To create more jobs and attract the investment that will reinvigorate the South Australian economy, the Commonwealth has agreed to partner with South Australia to attract additional foreign investment under the Business Innovation and Investment Visa Program,” said Marshall earlier this month.

“Under this initiative, the Commonwealth will pilot a temporary start-up visa in South Australia in line with findings of the 2017 review of Business, Investment and Talent visa programs.”

To secure the new visa, applicants must be nominated by a government entity (State or Federal) to take forward an innovative idea.

No more battery plan

On Monday morning, Marshall stated that he panned to get rid of one of the Weatherill government’s most recent schemes.

In February it was announced that 50,000 Tesla Powerwall batteries would be rolled out to South Australian public housing facilities at no cost.

“That’s not part of our plan,” Marshall told ABC’s Radio National.

“What we are going to do is provide a subsidy to get (those with) solar rooftops systems with some storage capacity.”