Australia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Marise Payne has said there will be no change to Australia’s stance on banning Huawei from supplying any part of the country’s 5G network.

Last week, UK’s Daily Telegraph reported the National Security Council, which is chaired by UK Prime Minister Theresa May, may allow the Chinese telco to take part in building “non-core” components of the UK 5G network, according to a leak.

“Countries will make their own decisions, but the position that Australia takes is a very clear one,” said Payne.

“It’s a position which we have taken based on security advice given to us by national agencies. It’s not a position that we intend to change.

“Australia and the Australian government, the Morrison government, will always act in Australia’s national interest.”

Australia is one of the ‘Five Eyes’ (FVEY) countries – along with the New Zealand, UK, US and Canada – which share signals intelligence.

The US has already warned that there is no “safe level” of involvement with Huawei, and may have to re-evaluate the intelligence it shares with the other Five Eyes countries if the UK goes ahead with the plan.

Meanwhile, China has urged the UK to ignore pressure by other countries to boot out Huawei from participating in 5G builds and “make decisions independently”.

The BBC is reporting an inquiry will be held into how the controversial information was leaked from the National Security Council meeting.

Huawei has long-denied it is controlled by the Chinese government.