The 9th Conference of the Australasian Institute of Computer Ethics (AiCE 2020) will be held from 26 November to 10 December 2020 and hosted by the University of South Australia.

The conference was originally slated to be held in Adelaide, however, due to travel restrictions it will now be held online.

To enable participants across the globe to participate and contribute, the conference will be asynchronous, with talks provided in short videos accompanied by Q&A forums.

This year’s theme, Computer ethics is the new normal, is highly topical, given the importance and benefits of ethical practices underpinning our social interactions in the workplace (see the recently released report The Ethical Advantage by The Ethics Centre and Deloitte Access Economics).

At AiCE 2020, local and international speakers from academia and industry will speak on a range of topics related to this theme.

The conference will publish papers on cyber security ethics training, cyber bullying, artificial intelligence and machine learning, cloud security, ICT codes of conduct, human values and ethical design, IoT, privacy and encryption, and fake news.

There will be two keynote speeches.

One will be provided by cyber security expert Jo Stewart-Rattray who has over 25 years’ experience in the IT field including CIO and CISO roles in multiple industries.

She has also served on several boards and committees for international professional association ISACA and is the founder of its global leadership initiative, SheLeadsTech.

A second keynote will be delivered by Dr Catherine Flick, a member of the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility at DeMontfort University.

She is also a member of the ACM’s Committee on Professional Ethics and was a committee member of the ACM’s Code of Ethics update team.

Catherine plans to talk about her experience engaging diverse people in art workshops that enable the responsible co-creation of future domestic technologies.

The deadline for peer-reviewed papers has passed. However, the 2020 conference will continue to accept papers for presentation until 25 November 2020.

Further information on the conference and submitting papers can be found at

Information about the conference and registration is available here. The cost is $45 for ACS members and $50 non-members.