Do you want to give back to the ICT industry and help a new generation of ICT professionals find their way?

ACS is seeking Expressions of Interest from individuals in becoming Mentors to students in a new subject created by ACS in collaboration with The University of Melbourne (UoM) for UoM students. The subject is an elective in the Master of Information Systems and the Master of Information Technology.

The mentorship would take place in two stages: during the preparation of a project proposal (6 weeks) and during the internship part of the subject (about 12 weeks), and would involve advising students on the preparation of a proposal, the execution of the project and providing support to mentees. The proposal preparation would commence in September and the internships in November, with Mentor-Matching taking place in August.

Training and support will be provided to interested parties. Mentors must be based in Melbourne and are ACS members.

Please contact Glanyce Attard, on 9249 6709 or by email: