On Wednesday 25th February, ACS SA welcomed two new Fellows at the first of the EdXN series for 2015. With 50 members in attendance current Fellows Committee Chairman, Allan Baird, presented Fellows Certificates to both Kenn Dolan and Bruce Thomas to commemorate their significant achievements as are highlighted below:
Mr Kenn Dolan has made a significant contribution in the field of project management in the information technology space. He has been instrumental, locally and throughout the Asia-Pacific, in raising awareness of the influence project management has on the effectiveness of ICT investments, and has developed and taught both online subjects ACS CPe Program, and for ICT Programs at Australian Catholic University. Kenn is also the Director of FPMS, a consulting firm with a staff of 12 specialising in portfolio, program and project management, and has been active in the work of the Project Management institute.
Professor Bruce Thomas is a world recognized researcher in advanced human-computer interaction in the field of wearable computers and augmented reality. He is a pioneer in research in outdoor augmented reality developing the world’s first outdoor augmented reality game, ARQuake. He has also played a leading tole in the development of a major Spatial Augmented Reality research facility, a state-of-the-art $3 million projector- based Visualization Laboratory, the largest of its kind in the world. He has led the transition of LiveSpaces (a major ubiquitious workspace technology) to the Australian Defence Deployable Joint Forces Head Quarters, and the development of the Multi- Pointer XServer (MPX) that is currently integrated into the XOrg X distribution. MPX is now part of the X Window graphical user interface software, in all major Linux distributions. He is currently a NICTA Fellow has a significant number of publications, research projects and a number of patents against his name.
ACS SA would like to welcome our two new Fellows and thank them for their contribution to the Society and the ICT Industry.