ACS, the professional association for Australia’s ICT sector, takes the opportunity of National Volunteer Week to thank its many volunteers for their amazing work in advancing the ICT profession.

Celebrated 8-14 May, National Volunteer Week acknowledges and celebrates Australia’s generous volunteers.

“ACS would like to acknowledge and thank more than 200 volunteers within the organisation who work tirelessly to keep Australia’s professional association for the ICT sector running,” said ACS President Anthony Wong.

“We simply couldn’t exist without the support of our volunteers. These are professionals who freely give of themselves, often having to spend considerable time away from their homes and families, in order to advance the profession.

“The volunteers, including our Board, lend their expertise to grow and support the profession as well as inform external ACS policy which determines the direction, scope, iteration of the ICT sector in Australia.

“The gratitude of ACS is with our volunteers every day, but particularly this week as we recognise the hard work of volunteers undertaken all over the world,” Wong said.

In 2014, ACS launched the Volunteer Recognition Program as a means of recognising the selfless and significant contributions made by our volunteers.