- The 24th IFIP World Computer Congress is approaching. To be held at Poznan University of Technology in Poland from September 17 to 21, the program comprises of 14 conferences and will host global leaders in fields such as data science, blockchain, privacy and machine learning.
- IFIP Chair Moira de Roche recently spoke about security on a panel at the IT Leaders’ Summit in Cape Town, spreading the message of “Trust and the Duty of Care”.
- The e-Exams Symposium will this year be held at Monash University in Melbourne. To be hosted by the ‘Transforming Exams Across Australia’ project, the event will feature partners from ten Australian universities and examine ways in which rich and authentic assessment can be held via the use of software.
- Following a recent move by the local government to ban all social media due to social unrest, the Computer Society of Sri Lanka (CSSL) has responded, requesting that the government lifts the ban using a program that identifies how situations can be better managed on social media.
IFIP News, June 2018
News from the International Federation of Information Processing.
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