"I've got Pac-Man fever, it's driving me crazy, I've got Pac-Man fever, I'm goin' out of my mind."

With the first single from Buckner & Garcia's concept record already top 10 on the US Billboard charts, there was high anticipation on how Pac-Man Fever would chart in Australia.

Futuretronics, in particular, was sweating on the record's success.

At the time Australia's Atari representative, the company committed "close to $1 million" to ensure the local sales success of the emerging worldwide phenomena of Pac-Man.

The reseller hoped to sell 50,000 Pac-Man cartridges "for use on home games machines and personal computers", and a similar number of integrated handheld games.

While Australian Business Computer magazine cast doubt on the sales expectations, it noted the company's "outlay on promotion demonstrates that it must seriously expect a large return".

It had good reason to. As the article points out, Pac-Man was expected to make Atari "an estimated $200 million" in 1982.

It wasn't just personal gaming or even concept records that parodied Ted Nugent tracks: Pac Man was a merchandising juggernaut.