Welcome to our RoboCup Highlights Reel series bringing you all the best bits from RoboCup 2019 in Sydney.
In the year 2050, a team of soccer-playing humanoid robots will play against the soccer World Cup champions.
That is the goal of RoboCup.
Established in 1997, RoboCup is an international competition that began as a way to progress the pursuits of researchers and students in the field of robotics.
RoboCup has evolved over the past two decades to become an incubator for commercial and industrial robots.
Daniel Polani, President of the RoboCup Federation, said the annual event was a great showcase for emerging tech talent.
"Companies who are forward looking, they usually like RoboCup and want to fund it because they think ahead, they understand that the tech we have here is going to be an industry in 5, 10, 20 years," he said.
"If you look at RoboCuppers you will find many of them have gone to work in industry in very elevated positions, or found their own companies.
"We have seen quite a few start ups founded by RoboCuppers."
ACS was the STEM Champion sponsor of RoboCup 2019.