Welcome to Part 5 of our RoboCup Highlights Reel series bringing you all the best bits from RoboCup 2019 in Sydney.

Increased automation is a hallmark of what has been dubbed the Fourth Industrial Revolution. For manufacturing, this means incorporating robotics with artificial intelligence systems to create fully autonomous, flexible factory settings.

RoboCup’s Industrial League simulates the future of manufacturing on a much smaller scale.

Sebastian Eltester, electrical engineering student at the Aachen University of Applied Sciences in Germany, said the league is all about autonomy.

“A smart factory is a factory that aims to reduce human interaction with the product and at some point completely abolish it so that at some point you will have only robots moving across a factory,” he said.

“Automatic production lines only produce one product by doing repetitive tasks, whereas the smart factory will bring more flexibility.”

ACS was the STEM Champion sponsor of RoboCup 2019.